Millie Wood Swanepoel RCST Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki and Working with Animals

Appointments & Prices

Appointment & Prices. lions

Appointment & Prices. Dec 14: Millie in therapy room small

Cranio Sacral Therapy

Your Cranio Sacral treatment options will be discussed at your initial consultation.


Adults, children or babies
Appointments (1 hour) £60
Allow 1 hours and 15 minutes for first appointment
Half hour session £35

If Home visits are required locally, if absolutely necessary, there will be an extra charge of £20.

If longer sessions are needed this will be discussed and agreed at the time


Your treatment options will be discussed at your initial consultation. Treatment time is either 30 or 60 minutes. Please ensure that you allow 10 minutes extra for your first appointment.

Baby or Adult
1 hour session £60
1/2 hour session £35

Distant Reiki Sessions
15 minute appointment £30

Reiki Attunements - First and Second Degree

Reiki First Degree £85

Reiki Second Degree £125

Courses include a recognised certificate in Usui Shiki Ryoho System of Reiki Healing

Classes are intentionally kept small. Early booking is recommended.

A deposit of £25 secures your place. This amount is refundable, if notice of 2 weeks before day of course is given.

Payment is accepted by cash, cheque or bankers draft

Working with Animal

introductory talk about animal communication and the animal costs £10

First Consultation/appointment on the phone or in person £60 for 1 Hour.

Time limits can be set to secure confidence in the service

Home visits if necessary can be arranged in the Stroud area, traveling expenses to be agreed.

In order to prepare for the consultation, it is necessary /useful for you to complete the form below, prior to contact. Please click on the icon to open, print, complete and post.

Completed forms should be posted to

F21a St Roses, The Old Convent, Beeches Green, Stroud, GL5 4AD

Animal Communication Form
please double click

Appointment & Prices. PDF Nov 09: Animal Comms form v3
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