Millie Wood Swanepoel RCST Craniosacral Therapy, Reiki and Working with Animals

Craniosacral Therapy

Cranio Sacral Therapy. Nov 12: Cranio Sacral Image

Cranio Sacral Therapy. image care and love

How I discovered CST

I trained and worked as an artist and art teacher/lecturer for many years. A fall down the stairs to my studio landed me in A&E, resulting in stitches and an inability to sit comfortably.

Feeling traumatized, a friendly midwife suggested I try Craniosacral Therapy and to my surprise it worked and I went on to have many successful treatments for a variety of aliments.

I felt so inspired about this gentle approach to well being that I decided to train and studied with the Institute of CranioSacral Studies. I am a fully insured member of the Craniosacral Therapy Association.

Conditions I have worked with:

1 hour session £60
Allow 1 hour and 15 minutes fr the first session

If a longer session is required it will be discussed and agreed at the time.

Cranio Sacral Therapy. Dec 14: Millie in therapy room small

Musculoskeletal conditions: .
Back & neck pain
Muscular aches & sprains
Frozen shoulder
Arthritis & rheumatism
Bone & joint disorders
Physical injuries

Digestive problems/IBS.

Pre & Post operative trauma
support recovering after cancer
Dental trauma
ME & Depression
Eczema, Insomnia, Autism

Tension & Stress:
Headaches & migraines, Chronic fatigue & MS, Anxiety & phobias, Bereavement

Woman's health issues:
Menstrual pains & PMS, Pregnancy/labour/birth, Menopause

Infant's & children health issues:
Birth trauma, Colic, re flux & glue ear, Asthma & breathing problems, Bed wetting, Sleep patterns

Or 'Just feeling out of sorts'

Please click here to read my page on CST and Families.

Cranio Sacral Therapy. hands under head

Adults, children and the elderly:
CranioSacral Therapy is not a sort of 'head massage'. It is not just for mothers and babies but for everyone cradle to the grave.

I think of it as body psychotherapy. It works with the whole body , not just one aspect, to resolve the cause and effect of the imbalance/ disease.

The body never cease to amaze me in its tendency to healing itself ie open injuries/cut will form a healing scab. absolutely amazing!

If given the time and space, with mindful touch it can even do more amazing things. Mindful touch provides fertile ground for the mind, body and heart to make its own adjustments, at its own pace and reconnects you to your reservoir of heath and vitality.

My interest in the body goes back to how the body can help to manage pain, resolve trauma - like operations, births, accidents, injuries, stress, anxiety, emotional & mind issues.

Given the right conditions, it is through the body we find our own free home and self, that can take us beyond the body.

We live in a stressful world. We deal with one and then the next one comes along! Why not look after, listen and work with our bodies. It is the only one we have got.

You service, put in the correct fuel into your car, why not do the same for your precious body, it is the vehicle we live in......
You maybe able to replace bit but you cant buy a new one.
Love your body!!

Please see the section on Mothers and Babies

Cranio Sacral Therapy. Dec 14: smaller spine

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a 'hands on' therapy that uses no manipulation. The therapist listens, via the hands, to what is going on in your body and facilitates the body's vital force to bring about intrinsic changes and reorganization. In this way the therapist identifies and treats pain or tension in the body.

It is based on a number of findings about the body's subtle physiology, which were made by osteopaths in the USA nearly 100 years ago. These findings show that every cell in a healthy body expresses a rhythmic movement which is fundamental to life and which has been called CranioSacral motion.

At the core of the body is the cerebrospinal fluid, which bathes and cushions the brain and spinal cord. It expresses this motion as a tide-like ebb and flow, while the bones, organs and other structures of the body each follow their own particular patterns of movement. This motion is so subtle that it is barely measurable with instruments. But the hands of a trained therapist are able to perceive it.

How does it work?

All life needs movement to remain healthy. Without movement we become sick. Tissues waste away, cells clog up with toxins. As well as external movement, we express motion within us.

Our bodies are full of rhythms and currents. The heart, lungs and intestines rhythmically expand and contract to function properly. Another subtle pulsation underlies these more obvious rhythms. It emerges from the core of the body; and is expressed as an inherent fluctuation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid, which bathes the Central Nervous System. The bones of the Cranium and the Sacrum, at the base of the spine, move to accommodate this fluctuation. Hence it is known as CranioSacral Motion.

CranioSacral Motion can be felt as a subtle tide like rhythm throughout the whole body. Every cell pulsates as it expresses the CranioSacral Motion.

Freely mobile CranioSacral Motion is essential to the health of all the other systems of the body and to our physical, mental and emotional well being.

Cranio Sacral Therapy. Nov 14: Reiki - Millie & Rosemarie

What happens during treatment?

During treatment, you will usually lie fully clothed on a treatment table, and experience the light touch of the therapist's hands. You may feel a deep sense of relaxation, and may possibly become aware of heat, tingling, pulsation or other sensations.

< FONT SIZE 6 FACE='Arial' COLOR=dodgerblue>What do I do during a treatment?
I listen with my hands. With light touch, the body will show patterns of imbalance in the system. I cannot do you any harm because I am not doing anything to you, just listening to your intelligent body. I facilitate the body to readjust, realign to a healthy way of being. I will tell you more when you come for a treatment session.

Treatments usually last 45 minutes, most chronic conditions benefit from a course of treatment usually weekly or fortnightly. Your treatment options will be discussed at you initial consultation, however most people usually feel benefit and relaxed after one treatment.

How can it help you?

Using very gentle touch to release restrictions and enhance CranioSacral Motion, CranioSacral Therapists help restore health to the body. Treatment is non-invasive and can be done without removing clothes or nappies.

By restoring imbalances before they become chronically anchored, CranioSacral Therapy enhances healthy growth and future development. This paves the way for greater self-esteem and well being throughout childhood and later life.

If you would like to contact me, please click here to send me an email
or you can call me on 07754-182 082.

Millie Wood Swanepoel,
Registered CranioSacral Therapist RCST

Cranio-Sacral Therapy – Client Testimonials

Sleep patterns
thank you
"Thinking of you so much dear Millie and forever grateful for my sessions with you. You have touched my life immeasurably.
Claire S"

"Thanks for your time and consultation with my baby son, Cameron. His sleeping pattern at night has been good for the last few days - he goes down between 7.30 and 8.30pm, wakes just once and then sleep again till 7am which is really good!
Thanks Mairi"

"Thank you so much - my mum really felt the benefit of her sessions with you. Myrtle"

"I slept like a log on tuesday, best nights sleep for ages. Even went down the stairs normally first thing this morning and not one by one which is the general thing first thing. Many thanks for everything. Val"

"I am writing to say a huge thank you! When I first came to see you I had no clue about what Cranio Sacral therapy was or how it works. The reason I came was I had read that it can help autistic children and as I have always worried about Finley's terribly flat misshapen head from birth and wondered if it could be the reason for his motor skill, developmental and gastric problems. I thought it made sense to book a session with you. I have no idea how you do what you do with your hands but it feels like magic and I look forward to each session enormously for many reasons.

Bad Back
When I had a bad back and could hardly turn my head to look over my shoulder you completely cured it in just one session! I have been seeing chiropractors and physiotherapists on and off for 15 years and have never had such an instant healing. It really is incredible. Every session makes me feel extremely positive and happy.

Birth Trauma
"As for what you have been doing for Finley again is nothing short of a miracle and I have no idea how you do it but after our last session in which he re enacted his birth and let go of birth memories, his head has almost completely rounded after 2.5 years of being completely misshaped. Not only that he is much happier, sociable and the bond created from us working together lying on the bed gets stronger every time. He gets less and less autistic every day! Furthermore his bowl problems and gross and fine motor skills have dramatically improved which I am sure is due to our sessions combined with homeopathic remedies. I can't wait to come and see you again and sing your praises to friends and family every day. Many thanks Miki and Finley" Jan 2009

"We got back from California yesterday. Our trip was a real success! I have now come to the conclusion (after talking to therapists out there and doing more reading) that Finley's central nervous system was damaged at birth and that is why he has so many problems with motor and oral skills and I am convinced that the cranial that you did has been the main reason behind his progress. I am telling people in the US about our sessions and they agreed that it must have helped him enormously. They were blown away by the re -birth story.

One of the sensory integration therapists said she was skeptical when she first heard about cranial. Her horse had a bad neck problem and was very sick and she was thinking she would have to put the horse down until someone suggested cranial. The lady said it would be 135 dollars for one session and she thought oh come on that is a bit steep for her to just place her hands on the horse's neck. But apparently she was standing next to the horse when she started the cranio and the horse apparently suddenly had a real look of shock and intense fear which transferred to the therapist and she apparently felt all the pain and emotion that was released from the horse then after the session the horse was completely better and she said she believes in it 100% now!

They explained that in kids with autism or sensory processing disorder the child takes everything in from outside to the central nervous system (the core) but in typical children the information goes from inside out. That is how they explain why autistic kids with motor planning issues often tip toe or flap their arms out. A lot of kids out there have cranial done too with great benefits!

We basically did a month of sensory integration therapy which involved him lying on a bed for a hour every morning in the pitch black, looking up at a shining light (which was a different colour every day to stimulate different senses and parts of the brain) and he had some headphones on with music dominant on the right side so that the left side of the brain (where the language centre is) has to work harder to gill in the gaps. Music is also seeded up slowed down or gaps left to fill it (you have probably heard of it, auditory integration therapy AIT?). It has made him a lot calmer and he seems to be taking more in around him now too. We have even had a few words here and there but still not consistently. He is still tiptoeing and flapping but that has been part of him for so long and old habits die hard but definitely think he is on the mend! I will look into whether there are any good craniosacral therapists in Dubai but feel we had a special bond when we did sessions with you so might wait till we can do some more with you next year! Thanks, you have helped Finley so much in his recovery! The last session we had was particularly emotional for me!
Miki and Finney." August 2009

Physical & emotional
"Millie I've been seeing you for over a year now and during that time, I can certainly say that your work, has had an impact on my life and those in it. When I first came to see you, I couldn't see the wood for the trees, my body was a mass of aches and pains, my mind and guts were overflowing with fears and I had no passion or direction, two things I've always thrived on and been lucky enough to have for most of my life.

Since our first session, I have:

1. Blown a lot of raspberries and worn a blow up cowboy outfit. This in turn, relaxed my kids who where beginning to get concerned that mum wasn't all she could be and helped them to thrive. I have been concerned that my negative energy might effect their lives but 15 months on, my eldest son (24) now owns 3 properties and my youngest (21) has been discovered for his acting talents at Oxford.

2. Found my direction and qualified as a life coach.

3. Overcome my fears of now having to use that qualification.

4. Almost created an organisation in the last two months with all the numerous structures and processes necessary, which I hope to start advertising before Christmas.

5. And despite the practical necessity to spend a lot of time in front of a PC, I'm in far less pain.

You once told me that you tended to steer clear of counselling but clearly, you're a bit of a closet life coach yourself. Some of the questions you asked me at our sessions were very useful. The pricing structure comments were particularly interesting - in contemplating ' giving back', I realised that perhaps I'd 'given forwards' and that it was now time to receive. Also, since that session, I have suddenly woken up to the value of my own work in going through the process of selling its benefits on leaflets." Sonia

Ear, sinus problems, then through pregnancy and after birth with baby
"Millie has been treating me with CranioSacral Therapy since September 2008 and I find her an inspiration. I originally sought her help for chronic ear and sinus problems and have found that over the course of my treatment I no longer suffer from these. Her sessions are gentle and relaxing and, as I understand it, allow the body to realign and heal itself. My treatment with Millie has had a profound beneficial effect on my daily wellbeing and I feel so much better overall.

I saw her right the way though my recent pregnancy and my baby is now also being treated by her! Millie is wonderfully kind, warm hearted and gentle and I would recommend her to anyone who is seeking an improvement in their health and genreal wellbeing." Claire Jan 2010."

"I slept like a log on Tuesday, best nights sleep for ages. Even went down the stairs normally first thing this morning and not one by one which is the general thing first thing. Many thanks for everything. Val"

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